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AnalogExif XMP schema
Tag reference
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In order to store film-related values AnalogExif defines custom XMP schema. It RDF definition is available online for validation (most of the XMP parsers ignore this step though).

ExposureNumber (Xmp.AnalogExif.ExposureNumber)

Integer value. Contains exposure number of the frame. Could be auto-filled for several files from the main interface.

LensSerialNumber (Xmp.AnalogExif.LensSerialNumber)

String value. Contains serial number of the used lens.

RollId (Xmp.AnalogExif.RollId)

String value. Contains film roll id.

FilmMaker (Xmp.AnalogExif.FilmMaker)

String value. Film manufacturer, for example Fuji.

Film (Xmp.AnalogExif.Film)

String value. Film name including manufacturer, for example Fuji Velvia 50.

FilmAlias (Xmp.AnalogExif.FilmAlias)

String value. Film alias, for example RVP 50.

FilmGrain (Xmp.AnalogExif.FilmGrain)

Integer value. Film RMS value, for example 9.

FilmType (Xmp.AnalogExif.FilmType)

Predefined string value. Film type. Available values:

  • 135
  • 120
  • 220
  • APS
  • 4×5
  • 8×10
  • Type 600
  • 127
  • Disc
  • Paper
  • 126
  • 101
  • 102
  • 103
  • 104
  • 105
  • 106
  • 107
  • 108
  • 109
  • 110
  • 111
  • 112
  • 113
  • 114
  • 115
  • 116
  • 117
  • 118
  • 119
  • 121
  • 122
  • 123
  • 124
  • 125
  • 128
  • 129
  • 235
  • 335
  • 435
  • 518
  • 520
  • 522
  • 523
  • 616
  • 617
  • 620
  • 645
  • 828
  • 35
  • Minox
  • Karat
  • Rapid
  • SL
  • K 16
  • 1⅝×2⅛
  • 2×2½
  • 2×3
  • 2½×3½
  • 3×4
  • 3⅛×4⅛
  • 3¼×4¼
  • 3¼×5½
  • 4¾×6½
  • 4½×5½
  • 4×10
  • 5×7
  • 7×17
  • 8×20
  • 8½×6½
  • 11×14
  • 12×20
  • 14×17
  • 16×20
  • 20×24
  • 6.5×9
  • 9×12
  • 10×15
  • 13×18
  • 18×24
  • 24×30
  • SX-70
  • Type 37
  • Type 47
  • Type 88
  • Type 100

Developer (Xmp.AnalogExif.Developer)

String value. Used developer, for example XTOL.

DevelopProcess (Xmp.AnalogExif.DevelopProcess)

String value. Film process, for example E-6.

DeveloperMaker (Xmp.AnalogExif.DeveloperMaker)

String value. Developer manufacturer, for example Kodak.

DeveloperDilution (Xmp.AnalogExif.DeveloperDilution)

String value. Developer dilution, for example 1:14.

DevelopTime (Xmp.AnalogExif.DevelopTime)

String value. Developing time, for example 13min.

Lab (Xmp.AnalogExif.Lab)

String value. Used processing lab.

LabAddress (Xmp.AnalogExif.LabAddress)

String value. Lab address.

Filter (Xmp.AnalogExif.Filter)

String value. Used filter, for example Hoya R72.

ScannerMaker (Xmp.AnalogExif.ScannerMaker)

String value. Scanner manufacturer, for example Epson.

Scanner (Xmp.AnalogExif.Scanner)

String value. Scanner model including manufacturer, for example Epson Perfection 4490 Photo.

ScannerSoftware (Xmp.AnalogExif.ScannerSoftware)

String value. Scanner software, for example Silverfast.